The Wheelwrights Arms, Monkton Combe
The Wheelwrights Arms
Monkton Combe, Bath BA2 7HB
Retail & Hospitality
The Wheelwrights Arms Country Inn & Pub is a charming and profitable pub in an accessible village position held on a free of tie private lease.
The bar and restaurant are just the sort of cosy, inviting spaces that customers seek out and the huge roaring fire that greets guests on arrival sets the tone.
Exceptional outside space for 1–120 complements the 45 covers inside and gives the pub a significant boost in warmer weather.
There are 7 very well appointed letting bedrooms located across the driveway that leads to the private pub car park.
When you consider the enviable location too this is a fabulous package.
A stunning Cotswolds Village Inn near Bath
7 updated letting bedrooms
100-12- external covers and seating for outdoor dining
Updated and spacious 3 bedroom owners' or staff accommodation
Highly rated inn scores over 9.2/10 on
5 Star rating kitchen