Hawke Ridge Business Park
Hawke Ridge Business Park has the capability to accommodate 500,000 sq. ft. of employment space and offers land opportunities for storage and distribution, production and development or offices.
Hawke Ridge Business Park benefits from an employment development plan allocation in the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy.
Westbury and the surrounds is recognised as one of the largest employment centres in the South West.
Central Wiltshire offers a highly skilled workforce and Hawke Ridge Business Park enjoys numerous lifestyle amenities in the nearby towns, villages and countryside.
1 acre
Roadside, the land immediately adjacent to the roundabout on the south site is available and has planning consent for a roadside development with potential for a drive-through facility and retail unit scheme.
17.5 acres
The north site has already been reserved by a fulfilment and storage and distribution operator subject to planning basis. The planning application for an international logistics facility is currently under consideration and can be viewed on Wiltshire County Council's website. Application PL/2021/09252
35 acres
The north and south sites total 35 acres of serviced land. Smaller plot sizes can be considered. The land is available on a freehold basis.
The business park occupies a strategic location just off the A350 between Westbury and Trowbridge.
Outine planning permission was granted in 2014 making provision for up to 500,000 sq. ft. of employment space.
A new roundabout access and associated drainage infrastructure is in situ along with a strategic perimeter landscaping scheme.
Subsequent reserved matters planning permissions have been approved along with planning consent for a roadside scheme to include a drive-through, retail units and convenience retail store.