Hawke Ridge Business Park aims to deliver a full range of services to the end user.
All occupiers will have the choice of high speed broadband provider and high capacity electrical connections.
Data and Telecoms
Hawke Ridge Park enjoys an unusually high level of connectivity win fibre connections to both BT Openreach and Virgin Media services. These are immediately available giving a choice of provider, speed, contention and reliability.
The participation of telecoms providers to the requirements of the site's infrastructure and from individual buildings will help ensure installation costs are minimised with increased speed of installation.
A newly installed network of underground ducting within the road infrastructure enables individual buildings and occupiers to be connected directly using fibre or copper to existing cabinets / junction nodes adjacent to the business park entrance.
Gas Service
Wales & West Utilities provide the business park with a medium pressure gas supply that currently terminates in a gas governor housing. The gas supply network will be extended via the road infrastructure to supply individual plots.
An allowance has been made for the demand of gas to each unit based on its potential usage. Listed below are those allowances.
Industrial unit including offices (above 20,000 sq. ft.)
Industrial unit including offices (below 20,000 sq. ft.)
Small offices (without comfort cooling)
Small offices (with comfort cooling)
Large retail unit (above 15,000 sq. ft.)
Gas availability is subject to individual application for each building as it is constructed. The gas pipe network will be sized to provide an assumed standard level of supply based on the above allowances.
Water Service
Wessex Water supply a 125mm water main to the business park (in two locations) that will be extended via the road infrastructure to supply individual plots.
An allowance has been made for the demand of potable water to each unit based on its potential usage. Listed below are those allowances.
Industrial unit including offices (above 20,000 sq. ft.)
Industrial unit including offices (below 20,000 sq. ft.)
Small offices
Gym/health club
Large retail unit
Water availability is subject to individual application for each building as it is constructed. The water pipe network will be sized to provide an assumed standard level of supply based on the above allowances.
Electricity Service
An 11KV mains network provided by Scottish and Southern Electricity will supply the business park from the adjacent primary substation.
An allowance has been made for the supply of electricity to each unit based on its potential usage. Listed below are those allowances.
Industrial unit including offices (above 20,000 sq. ft.)
Industrial unit including offices (below 20,000 sq. ft.)
Small offices (without comfort cooling)
Small offices (with comfort cooling)
Large retail unit
Electrical supply at 11kV or 400V is subject to individual application for each building as it is constructed.
The cable/sub-station network will be sized to provide an assumed standard level of supply based on the above allowances.
Surface Water
The Environment Agency in line with the Flood Risk Assessment for the outline planning consent for Hawke Ridge Business Park confirmed the Greenfield run-off calculation for each of the development areas of the Business Park to the North and South of Mill Lane. The rates of permitted run off into the Bitham Brook being restricted to 22l/s to the North and 23.5l/s to the South respectively for a 1 in 1 year storm event, rising to 531/s and 57l/s for the 1 in 100 year storm event.
Based on the total developable areas this equates to a discharge rate of 3.82I/s/ha. to be applied on a pro-rata basis appropriate to the individual North site development areas and 4.081/s/ha. for the pro rata apportionment for plots on the Southern site. Surface water is to be attenuated within the development plot boundaries to ensure these discharge rates are not exceeded into the main carrier sewers within the development access roads which will be provided by Hawke Ridge Business Park Ltd.
Foul Drainage
The foul water sewers are designed and constructed to use a gravity connection towards the recently constructed FW pumping station located in the south east corner of the northern development area. The FW pumping station has been designed and constructed in accordance with Wessex Water requirements and is subject to adoption under a Section 104 Agreement application.
The sewer sizes will be 150mm diameter. The design and construction of the foul water sewers shall be in accordance with the current edition of Sewers for Adoption at the time of design.
Based on the development areas estimated to be accommodated under B1, B2 and B8 uses, preliminary hydraulic calculations indicate that the Business Park could generate flows in the region of 15.3l/s. The flows have been based on criteria specified in “Sewers for Adoption 7th Edition” and given the proposed commercial/industrial use is currently unknown, include an allowance for “wet” industrial processes, however subject to confirmation of business type, should an allowance for a “wet-industry” be required, it is intended that attenuation within the plot extents will be required.
Therefore and in advance of any specific requirement for a particular site an allowance of 1.33l/s/ha. is to be applied on a pro-rata basis to each individual development area.